Amor y Esperanza Mission Team Testimonials

“God truly works in a miraculous way! I have been blessed with being able to go to Ecuador three times and each time God has worked with and through me in different ways. Of course, I could go on and on about how amazing each experience was but I will try to be brief. During my first trip, 2016, I felt an awakening with the Lord and felt His words saying “come to me.” It was after that trip that I decided to accept the Lord into my life again. During my second trip, 2017, I met a girl in my classroom that shared her story privately about her life. In brief detail she lost both of her parents in the most horrific way and was currently living with her grandparents. Several other students came forward to share their lives and every single one of them was heartbreaking but their exuberant joy never ended. God was teaching me to be humbler in life and to open my eyes, heart, ears, and soul to those I meet because we all struggle and need help. During the trip I also became extremely ill for no apparent reason and to this day I felt like the Lord was also teaching me a strong lesson of letting Him use me instead of being stubborn and only seeking my way. On my final trip, 2018, I saw God’s hands and work being shaped. Even through all the obstacles, God used me and my friends to help build His school, teach His children, and to praise His name no matter where you are. For me, this foundation has gifted me with the renewed faith in my Father, an open mind towards people and cultures, and the lasting memories of each trip. I am forever grateful for the Zola family and their mission to educate children and encourage their faith in God.”


Whitefield Academy Alumni ‘19

Traveled to Ecuador in 2017, 2018, and 2019

Meet Amanda Gray! She went on a mission trip to Ecuador with her church when she was 14 years old and felt such a heart for Amor y Esperanza that she returned by herself in August of 2019 working as an English teacher at the school for 6 months! Since then, she has helped Love and Hope Foundation with social media management and continues to keep up with and pray for the students at Amor y Esperanza. 

This is what she says about AyE: “When I think of the moments that God touched my heart through Amor y Esperanza, I see the faces of the students. These kids have pure hearts. They love fully and freely, putting a new meaning on the word generous. They often face incredible hardships at home, but are untouched by the darkness they’re surrounded by. They’re light and they radiate the hope of Jesus. To be around them is to be encouraged greatly.” -Amanda Gray 


Christ Journey Church Member

“I served with Amor y Esperanza twice over my high school career and both trips changed the way I saw the world. I think the first trip was a pretty typical experience: I came back feeling spoiled and passionate about serving those less fortunate not only in Ecuador but also at home. However, the second trip inspired a deeper change. By this point, just before my senior year, I had decided I wanted to dedicate my life to serving God’s kingdom in ministry. This trip, I became much more intentional about connecting with the kids and teachers at Amor y Esperanza and that transformed the way I see others. Now, I see people, their hurts, and their needs. I completely changed the way I talk to friends, welcome others to church, and lead the people around me. Furthermore, seeing the leaders of the school, Pancho and Piti, and the leaders of my mission team work with people on this trip instilled a passion in me for strong Christian leadership. I never knew just how impactful these types of people were on my life until this moment in Ecuador, and I now know I want to do the same for others. So, while my trips to serve Amor y Esperanza were directed at serving the students and teachers in Ecuador, I discovered that I was the one being served, and I was the one who grew more than I ever imagined possible in a single week.” - Everett


Trinity Anglican Church Member

This is what she says about her time at AyE: “Before I left for Ecuador last summer, I had been struggling with a relationship with someone in my family. It took up a lot of my head space and often ruined my mood. I ”prayed” about it but it was more of a lazy prayer, asking God to simply “make it better”. I left for Ecuador not even close to resolving the problem. One night in devotional, Danny shared about how he overcame a rebellious period in his life. I figured he had experienced similar to what I was experiencing at the time, so I decided to talk to him and gain any wisdom he could spare. When I explained the situation to him, he said it sounded completely familiar and he began to offer loads of wisdom regarding circumstances I hadn’t even told him about yet. I felt God truly work in me at that moment and I started to cry. He encouraged me to cry as he prayed over me and had me repeat a series of words that would help me fix my heart. When I arrived back in the US, I felt no resentment or anger. I felt peace, which I hadn’t felt in a long time, and I knew it was God who had His hand over me the entire time, the was speaking to me through Danny.” - Anna


Past Whitefield Academy Ecuador Mission Team Member