Love and Hope’s partnerships provide dependable and meaningful support for Amor y Esperanza.

Partnering with Amor y Esperanza is about way more than just financial support. It’s about building a relationship that has an impact on the community in Ecuador and your community. It’s about furthering the Kingdom better together than you could apart. If your organization is interested in partnering with Love and Hope Foundation to help us support the mission of Fundación Amor y Esperanza, please contact us using the form below!

Our Partners

  • Whitefield Academy

    Whitefield Academy, a Christ-centered college preparatory school located just outside Atlanta, Georgia, has been a vital partner to AyE since 2003. The relationship began when then faculty member Cara Keller took a small group of Whitefield students to serve alongside Pancho and Pitty in Carmen Bajo. At the time AyE was small but growing and the two ministries agreed to partner with one another, committing to a long term relationship. Recognizing that short term missions groups can actually damage an organization, Whitefield pledged to join AyE in ministering to the community of Carmen Bajo, not just sending a mission group. The Ecuador Mission Team was formed and Pancho and Pitty began, in turn, ministering to generations of Whitefield students. 

    Over the years, Pancho and Pitty have visited Atlanta and spoken at many Whitefield chapels. Lower school classes have met together via Skype, sharing with one another in Spanish and English. Mission teams have traveled to Ecuador each summer (until the trip was prevented by the pandemic in 2020).  On these trips, Whitefield students have taught in classrooms, built walls, poured concrete, and painted walls. And these students have also received the love of Jesus from both the leaders of AyE as well as the students. 

    The Whitefield community has also supported the ministry of AyE financially through the years. Sharing a common purpose, to glorify Jesus Christ, this partnership that is almost two decades old, continues to enrich lives on two continents. Whitefield students whose lives were impacted now serve as missionaries, teachers, professionals, and parents, carrying forth the love that they experienced in the AyE family. 

  • Trinity Anglican Church

    Trinity’s connection to Amor y Esperanza began in the summer of 2019 when their youth group travelled with a group of 20 students and 4 leaders. Youth pastor Dave McCune, who formerly taught at Whitefield, led 3 trips there. Trinity Anglican Church was looking for an overseas partner for their youth and it was a perfect fit. During the first trip, the Trinity group ran a summer camp for students and neighbors out of Amor y Esperanza. Several Trinity students were deeply impacted by the trip and hoped to return until the pandemic changed plans. Despite not traveling, Trinity as a whole has continued to support Amor y Esperanza through the building fund and other giving.

  • Full Turn Church