October 2021 Update
Dear Friends of Amor y Esperanza,
October seems to be blazing by faster than you can say jack-o-lantern, but we hope you will pause with us to savor the chilliness of autumn and to hear about how God is at work in Ecuador and in the States on behalf of both the Board and Amor y Esperanza. Pancho and Pitty reminded us recently that there is no way that Amor y Esperanza could exist if it was solely up to humans to manage it, but the Lord wants to do something we can’t even imagine in Carmen Bajo, and it is His power that keeps this wonderful school running despite countless hardships. We are so grateful and humbled to be a part of His work there, and are thankful that He’s called all of you to be a part of this great work in some way.
Amor y Esperanza School Update
In Pancho and Pitty’s own words, it has been “unbelievable” and “an honor” to have students back in school in person. God is everywhere in the school and they can see Him working. They have been able to see the children play in freedom, to minister to their hearts in an easier and more direct way than on Zoom, and they’ve even seen some previously troublemaking kids come to Christ recently. Praise God! A large group of students and community members received vaccines against Covid-19 recently as well after some government-sent doctors came to the school to distribute them. Pancho and Pitty were able to comfort those who were nervous about receiving the vaccine by sharing with them the power that is in the blood of Christ. Forty people came to Christ that day, and many got vaccinated. A joyous occasion all around!
Please continue to pray for health and protection for the students at AyE, their families, and the community of Carmen Bajo as they move forward at school during this ongoing pandemic.
Fundraising Fun!
In terms of the LHF Board’s upcoming fundraising efforts, there is a lot to get excited about. Board member and Trinity Anglican youth pastor Dave McCune is doing a 120-mile bike ride on the Silver Comet Trail on October 29th (or November 1st if there’s rain) to raise money for Amor y Esperanza. We’re calling the event Comet for Quito! He’s seeking sponsors at $80 per mile to raise $10,000. As of October 26, over $8,000 has come in from 43 donors! We are thrilled and honored by your generosity!
Dave has a donation story he just shared with us that’s worth passing along: “Before a 60 mile training ride last weekend I recorded a short update for instagram and, upon wrapping, was approached by a gentleman who just finished a ride. "I'll give to that!" was the first thing he said. What?! My kind and curious new friend asked for my contact and that day contributed to this effort, on behalf of a total stranger. It was a great honor and blessing that encourages me to be more hopeful in what so often feels a polarized world.”
Please consider sponsoring a mile--and if you’d like to tag along in person for a few miles, start warming up now! You can donate via the link below:
After Comet for Quito, we will be entering our end of year fundraising season. That’s right, the holidays are coming in hot! The end of the year is the most crucial time for the Love and Hope Foundation to raise funds for both the board and most especially for Amor y Esperanza. The end of year funds typically cover costs and needs for much of the year, especially in the slower summer months, and contribute towards the school building’s upkeep, the teacher’s salaries, and tuition for students. As you plan for your end of year giving, please consider giving to Amor y Esperanza and helping spread Christ’s love to the children there.
Any and all donations can be made via our website: https://loveandhopefoundation.me/give.
Zolas Visit the States!
Danny Zola has arrived in the US! He is working for a couple of months with Trinity Anglican Church and with a ministry called Upper90, a soccer ministry in Atlanta. Pancho and Pitty arrive in the states around November 5, will visit Miami and Christ Journey Church first, then travel to Atlanta, arriving around November 10th. They will be at Trinity Anglican on November 14th and will return, along with Danny, on the 20th. Please pray for their safe travels and health, a great experience for Danny, and of course that their visit will strengthen their relationships with their partner organizations.
New Board Member
We’ve received an answer to prayer in the form of a newly confirmed Love and Hope board member: Lee Martin! Lee was once a fifth grade teacher and cross country coach at Whitefield Academy and led a few trips to Ecuador while working at the school. He has since gone on to earn his MBA and work for Cox Communications. We are so excited that he has accepted the call to serve with us on the board. He brings personal connection to the mission as well as business insight and expertise and nonprofit training to our team. Welcome, Lee!
Though we are thrilled to add Lee to our ranks, we would like to reiterate that we still have a few open spots on our board currently, and if you or someone you know would be interested in serving with us we’d love to hear from you. Keep in mind that we would be happy to speak with you even if you’re a younger alumni of a mission trip to Ecuador. We believe in bringing a variety of voices to the table and would love to have younger board members on our team.
We are so thankful for you every day. Please stay in touch with us via social media and continue journeying with us in prayer.
In Christ,
The Board of Love and Hope Foundation