December 2021 Update
Dear Friends of Amor y Esperanza,
Merry Christmas! We hope that you are all staying safe and healthy this Christmas season, and that the celebration of the coming of our Lord and Savior fills you with peace and joy. We just have a short end-of-year update for you, as we know this is both a festive and a frenzied season. We pray you are able to find some time for quiet reflection as well as time to lean into the fun and cheer of Jesus’s birthday party.
This is our most important time of the year to raise funds for Amor y Esperanza and the Love and Hope Foundation, and we hope you’ll consider making a donation. There are multiple ways you can give to Amor y Esperanza:
Click this link to double your donation to support student tuition or teacher salaries
Click this link to double your donation to support technology projects
Click this link to double your donation to support the upgrade to school kitchen
This year, the board of directors and one of our faithful donors have established a match for this year’s giving, so your gifts will be doubled. Our goal is to raise a matching donation of $40,000, half given towards the general budget for the school and half towards special projects.
So far we have raised $17,550 toward our goal! Thank you! We have $22,450 to go to meet that goal!
As we ponder Advent, Christmastide, and Epiphany, when the Wise Men brought gifts to the greatest Gift of all, we humbly ask that you search your hearts to see if God may be leading you to give this year.
All students from all grades are back in person! They have put on multiple programs with the children, were able to celebrate Thanksgiving, and are now celebrating Christmas! The most wonderful time of the year is now, when we remember Emmanuel, God With Us, and how He is always with us. The Zolas have also been able to meet with some of their neighbors to discuss the building of a security wall for the school campus. Please pray that that process would be smooth for all involved.
As COVID19 including the Omicron and Delta variants remain a global concern, please pray for the health, safety, and continued in-person schooling for the students, teachers, faculty, and families of Amor y Esperanza.
We’re so grateful for your support, both through prayers as well as donations, and we look forward to continuing our partnerships with you all in the coming new year.
Please stay in touch with us via social media and continue journeying with us in prayer.
In Christ, and Merry Christmas,
The Board of Love and Hope Foundation