February 2022 Update
Dear Friends of Amor y Esperanza,
February has flown by. It is often associated with Valentine’s Day and therefore love, and that makes it a good time to pause and remember how deeply God loves us, as well as how He has called us to love one another. The students at Amor y Esperanza spent a week in February celebrating God’s love and bringing declarations of love to Him each day. They worked on poems which were presented to God each day of the week during their class’s devotional time. May we all take time to bring our declarations of love to God and to show His love to our neighbors.
Students have been attending classes in person this past month, and we pray that they will continue to be able to do so and that Covid-19 cases will not rise in their city. Thankfully, the school’s neighborhood of Carmen Bajo was not affected by the floods, landslides, and mudslides that disrupted life in Quito at the end of January and beginning of February. The slides and floods were due to heavy rainfall that fell on the capital. The combination of the mudslides and poor infrastructure in certain parts of the city resulted in dozens being injured, many houses collapsing, and a little over 20 people dying. Praise God that Carmen Bajo was spared, and we pray for those who suffered elsewhere in Quito.
We want to thank you again for your generous donations at the end of 2021 which have already made a huge impact on Amor y Esperanza. The security wall that is being built around the school’s premises has been completed; the school has bought a variety of needed educational electronics for grades and classes that previously lacked them, including a projector; and lots of progress has been made on renovations to the school’s kitchen. Your donations go a long way!
As noted in the last newsletter, Maggie Heiskell has joined the Love and Hope Foundation’s communications team. She runs our social media accounts and has been doing a great job highlighting various students’ stories with reels on Instagram in particular. Go check out our pages on Instagram (@loveandhope_foundation) and Facebook (@Love and Hope Foundation U.S.) to get weekly updates and insights into Amor y Esperanza. We’d love to stay in touch with you!
Please pray for the continued health and safety of the students, teachers, and families at Amor y Esperanza as well as for continued progress with the needed updates and constructions underway at the school.
There is a perennial need at Amor y Esperanza to have more sponsors: this is where someone will donate a monthly amount to cover a child’s school expenses or to cover a teacher’s salary at AyE. $50 a month covers part of a student’s tuition, and $500 a month covers a teacher’s salary. There are lots of ways to give to AyE, but if you feel led to sponsor or to make any other kind of financial contribution, you can explore these options on the Love and Hope Foundation’s giving page: https://loveandhopefoundation.me/give
We’re so grateful for your support, both through prayers as well as donations, and we are also grateful to continue in our partnerships with you all in this new year.
Please stay in touch with us via social media and continue journeying with us in prayer.
In Christ,
The Board of Love and Hope Foundation