April 2022 Update


Dear Friends of Amor y Esperanza, 

We hope everyone had a happy, peaceful, and celebratory Easter this past month! As we gather once a month virtually to remember and catch up on all things Amor y Esperanza (though of course you can catch up more regularly via our social media channels–details at the end of this letter), we invite you to pause and reflect on the beauty and joy of the Gospel, which we celebrate at Easter. Jesus died and rose again for all of us the world over, and it is good to trust in a God who is bigger than all of us and whose love transcends all human boundaries of geography, time zones, history, race, and culture. We are grateful for His unifying love and for our brothers and sisters in Christ all over, but today especially those in the Amor y Esperanza family. 


April was a fun month at Amor y Esperanza. The high schoolers had the opportunity to share about their family heritage and dress up in the traditional dress of their indigenous communities. There was a schoolwide spelling bee in which students not only had to spell words aloud but also had to form words with a sealed envelope of letters they were given. High school students judged the competition, and the winners received a diploma and a bee basket full of chocolate! Students have been participating in clubs that meet on Fridays, including the chess club. And of course, there was Holy Week and Easter to celebrate. The students rejoiced with worship and praise all week.


Word has been spreading in the community about the school, increasing the number of students, which has been wonderful to see. Please pray that more community members would turn to Christ and that Amor y Esperanza’s presence would be a blessing to the neighborhood of Carman Bajo.


This spring we are emphasizing growing our level of sustainable giving: this is where someone will donate a monthly amount to cover a child’s school expenses or to cover a teacher’s salary at AyE. $100 a month helps one family afford monthly tuition, and $650 a month covers the current base salary for a teacher. Would you consider becoming a sustainable giver, sponsoring a student or teacher in part or in whole? Thanks for considering! If you feel called to give during this season please see options for support at our giving site: https://loveandhopefoundation.me/give

We’re so grateful for your support, both through prayers as well as donations, and we are also grateful to continue in our partnerships with you all in this new year. 

Please stay in touch with us via social media (Instagram: @loveandhope_foundation and Facebook: @Love and Hope Foundation U.S.) and continue journeying with us in prayer.  

In Christ, 

The Board of Love and Hope Foundation


May 2022 Update


March 2022 Update