May 2022 Update

Dear Friends of Amor y Esperanza, 

It’s the end of May, which in many parts of the States means the end–or close to the end–of the school year. We’ve come a long way since the fall of 2021. Though teachers, administration, students, and parents still have to navigate the ongoing challenges of Covid-19, and though this week particularly our hearts are grieved by the recent school shooting in Uvelde, Texas, we look to Christ as our source of hope. He walks with us in darkness and ushers in His light. May we look to Him as we move forward in love.  


By now, all school activities have fully resumed at Amor y Esperanza after being online for so long due to the pandemic. There are, however, lingering effects of remote learning which have led to difficult transitions and adjustments that still affect the school’s day to day activities. Teachers are relearning classroom techniques, and students are relearning diligence and attentiveness. The school has a great new pedagogic coach who has been helping them, and additionally Pancho and Pitty spend a lot of time ministering to students, parents, and teachers–bolstering faith and guiding hearts through community. They’ve been encouraged to see Christ and His joy break through and also to see that lots of parents want to re-enroll next year, believing that the school is special. Praise God! It was also evident that the parents are becoming more and more interested in what the school is doing at the recent Mother’s Day celebration, where 121 mothers and grandmothers came to be celebrated by their excited children.

Another cause for celebration is that after many years, a ministry partner has rejoined Amor y Esperanza in its mission. Amor y Esperanza’s ministry relationship with Hope Church in Memphis, TN broke off about nine years ago, but recently the church’s new head of missions, who had been involved with AyE years ago, reached out to Pancho and Pitty wishing to reestablish the relationship. About fifteen people from the church traveled to Quito to see the new school. They broke down crying when they saw it. Praise God that this relationship is being restored!


This summer student mission teams will travel down to Quito in person for the first time in two years. In June, Trinity Anglican Church’s team and Whitefield Academy’s team will each take a trip to Ecuador to serve Amor y Esperanza. Both teams only have one returning team member, each of whom is a chaperone. LHF Board President Susan Justice will lead the Whitefield team, and Board Member David McCune will lead the Trinity team. The funding for Trinity’s trip has enabled them to make a one time donation to AyE to build a portion of the security wall!

Please join us in praying for these trips to be safe and a blessing to the students, both the ones serving and the ones being served. Please pray for the renewed strength of missional relationships via these in-person visits, in addition to the continual opening of students’ hearts to this school and community. 


This spring we are emphasizing growing our level of sustainable giving: this is where someone will donate a monthly amount to cover a child’s school expenses or to cover a teacher’s salary at AyE. $100 a month helps one family afford monthly tuition, and $650 a month covers the current base salary for a teacher. This school has survived the challenges of the pandemic when so many have not. We are eager to keep it strong, healthy, and open to continue making a difference in the lives of those living in Carmen Bajo. 

Would you consider becoming a sustainable giver, sponsoring a student or teacher in part or in whole? Thanks for considering! If you feel called to give during this season please see options for support at our giving site:

We’re so grateful for your support, both through prayers as well as donations, and we are also grateful to continue in our partnerships with you all in this new year. 

 Please stay in touch with us via social media (Instagram: @loveandhope_foundation and Facebook: @Love and Hope Foundation U.S.) and continue journeying with us in prayer.  

In Christ, 

The Board of Love and Hope Foundation


August 2023 Update


April 2022 Update