Merry Christmas from Love and Hope Foundation

Merry Christmas! Please read the message below from Pancho and Pitty about their trip to the U.S. and year end goals. We still need your prayers and financial support!

Dear Friends of LHF and AyE,

 It is amazing to experience that our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He opened the waters in the past; He keeps doing the same for all of us, making a way where there is no way. When we think about our trip, the words that come to our minds are from Isaiah 43:19, where the Lord says “Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.”

 Amazing things are happening, blessings are being outpoured and we are standing in awe. We still need to reach our goal of $70,000 to cover our operative costs, that include salaries, supplies and tuition assistance; nevertheless, we are certain that provision is on its way, that the Lord is calling cheerful givers to donate to this ministry that belongs to Him.  

 All your donations come to the hands of the Lord, not to ours and He will repay you richly as He loves cheerful givers. The Lord says in Matthew 25:40: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” 

 Amor y Esperanza belongs to the Lord, we all are instruments in His hands. Join us in our journey to transform lives through a high quality, Christ-centered education. We all have different functions but at the same time, we all are ONE IN CHRIST!  

 Let’s all hold on to this truth: God is with us! Let’s give God the glory and let’s move mountains with our faith. We are all part of a legacy to bring blessings for generations. Amen and amen.

 Merry Christmas,

Pancho and Pitty

If you didn't already watch last week, can you take a few minutes to watch these two videos to see how your support is impacting lives in Ecuador? 

Watch here to see testimonials of teachers, parents, and students who are blessed to be part of the Amor y Esperanza family.  

This video shows the history of Amor y Esperanza through pictures - from the early days of little ones in day care, to the first school building which housed students from pre-K to mid high school until 2019, and on to the current building serving over 300 students!


January 2024 Update


November 2023 Update